All sex education articles

  • pexels-magda-ehlers-pexels-1386336

    New schools sex ed guidance is good news for Christians


    The new draft  government guidance on relationships, sex and health education (RHSE) in schools has now been published. Julie Maxwell explains how it came about and what it contains - as well as how Christians can continue to hold schools to account

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    Good news! The online safety bill will help protect children from porn


    Age verification for pornography websites is finally being passed into law. It’s a moment of celebration for the Christian organisations, including Premier, who have long been campaigning for better protection for children.

  • lgbtfoundation
    News Analysis

    Sex education: Should you be worried?


    With reports that school children are being given highly inappropriate lessons on sex, gender and relationships, the Prime Minister has ordered an urgent review. Tim Wyatt speaks to the Christian campaigners who are sounding the alarm