Rich Smith
Rich Smith is communications and IT manager for Feed The Hungry, an international charity who work to reduce world hunger by establishing feeding programs following disaster relief operations in 21 different countries worldwide. With its partner organisations, they globally assist in feeding over 300,000 children every day through Church-affiliated schools’ program. FTH also provides disaster relief recovery programs through its Pastor network around the globe. Feed The Hungry recognises the level of food poverty here in the UK, working extensively in supplying food provision to independent food pantries, refugee projects, hostels and homeless kitchens as well as community outreach programs.
Contact info
- Website:
- www.feedthehungry.org.uk
- Opinion
I’ve seen the devastation caused by climate change, and Christians must act now
Rich Smith has travelled to some of the poorest regions on earth and seen the most severe effects of global warming with his own eyes. Here in the UK, we may still be able to feed our families, he says, but, make no mistake, climate change will affect us all