Peter D WIlliams
Peter D. Williams is a Catholic apologist and author, and a speaker for Catholic Voices
- Opinion
The Pope’s guidance on same-sex blessings will cause confusion
If you read it closely, the Fiducia Supplicans does not move away from the Catholic Church’s historic teaching on sex outside of marriage. But in saying anything at all, the Vatican has introduced confusion, says Peter D. Williams. It is an act of gross imprudence
- Opinion
Why the Last Rites matter
Following reports that Sir David Amess was denied access to the Last Rites, Peter D Williams explains why the ritual is so important for Catholics
- Opinion
Where Pope Francis went wrong with his new translation of the Lord's Prayer
Peter D. Williams from Catholic Voices says Pope Francis has missed an opportunity with his re-translation of "lead us not into temptation"
- Archive news
We should applaud Jacob Rees-Mogg's courage in the face of Piers Morgan's hostile questions
The Catholic MP Jacob Rees-Mogg was grilled about gay marriage and abortion on Good Morning Britain. Peter D Williams responds