Roy Godwin and Dave Roberts have written a remarkable book about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit going on at Ffald-y-Brenin in south-west Wales. There are dozens of extraordinary stories about passers-by and unsuspecting visitors encountering the power of God; visions, angels, conversions, healings and other amazing happenings pepper each chapter. Books on revival can be counterproductive, merely highlighting the lack of God’s manifest presence everywhere else. But this one outlines a vision for a generous Church that blesses communities through houses of prayer across the land. It did more than just encourage me; it deepened my commitment to intercession and heightened my longing for God to visit our nation in power.
On putting the book down I asked myself a question: Would I sign away ten years of my lifespan in exchange for an outpouring like this on a national scale? Give me a pen, where do I sign?