
Claiborne wrote on the Red Letter Christians website that he and eleven other defendants will go to trial on the week beginning June 28th in Washington DC, on charges related to “parading and assemblage”.

The January protest had included pastors, a former death row inmate who was wrongly convicted and later freed, and families of both those murdered by people on death row and those whose relatives have been executed on death row.

Eighteen people were arrested and held in jail for more than 30 hours. Six of the 18 accepted a plea bargain but Claiborne chose to go to trial to contest the charges against him.

If Claiborne or the other eleven are found guilty they could be jailed, given community service or fined. He said on the website:

“Our prayer is for an end to all killing, both legal and illegal. “Our message is that violence is the disease, not the cure. It is time to stop trying to kill those who kill to show that killing is wrong.”