The Priestland’s Progress series was originally presented in 1981 by late BBC religious affairs correspondent Gerald Priestland as a ‘plain man’s guide to the Christian faith’ and generated more than 20,000 letters in response.

Priestland had no theology qualifications, but was driven by an intense curiosity about religion. The series takes him on a journey to examine the nature of Christianity as well as his own beliefs about God.  

He interviewed more than 100 people in the making of Priestland’s Progress and the programmes cover a broad spectrum of topics, including who Jesus was; the nature of sin; the relationship of Christianity with other faiths; what happens after death; and what religion, prayer and worship are all about.

Peter Kerridge, Premier’s CEO, said: ‘We are delighted to revive this popular series on Premier Christian Radio for a new generation of listeners. Gerald Priestland was a giant of a man and a highly gifted broadcaster who had the knack of presenting complicated thoughts in an easy-to-understand way.  

Priestland’s Progress is a fantastic series of programmes and we hope our audience will respond and react through social media in the same way the 1980s audience bombarded the BBC with letters.’

The series is broadcasting on Premier Christian Radio over a 13 week period from Saturday 4th October to Saturday 27th December at 1pm, and is available online at 

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