I do recommend God Doesn’t Do Waste, but not for the reasons that you might expect given the title or cover. This is a deeply personal book about one man’s determination to be faithful to God in our 21st century world. Essentially, it is testimony which finds its bearings in the work of the Christian environmental group A Rocha and the urgent challenges that our environment poses for us today.
What makes this book special is the disarming candour with which it is written (with much pain along the way) and the engaging manner in which this is done.Dave Bookless is a great communicator with a light and easy reading style. My fear is that his work will be pigeonholed as a ‘green’ book to be read only by those who already have a passion for the environment. Instead it deserves a wider and more sceptical readership. If you are looking something with rough edges but a ‘heart for God’ then this may be it. It is well worth the read.