The long shadow of the great Christian apologist, Francis Schaeffer (1912-84), haunts this remarkable book of God-honouring, provocative wisdom, for a new generation of people who’ve mislaid the concept of God-created reality and meaning. Schaeffer’s legacy is here re-born in one of his greatest friends, and long-term disciple, Dr Os Guinness.
Guinness is an enormously engaging writer. He dissects the modern and post-modern world through the lens of a wise and clear biblical worldview, which orientates the lost and confused to find their way home to God again. The book helps us rediscover the shape of God-centred created reality as God defines it to be, so that those who’ve mislaid this can find solid hope and good reasons to make sense of everything again.
Guinness offers a bedrock of convincing, persuasive arguments and solid foundations for a world that has abandoned the very possibility of such hope as a fool’s fantasy – when it’s exactly what all of us most need.
The result is this utterly scintillating challenge to shallow sceptics and confused drifters who’ve bedded down with pessimistic philosophies, and dismissed the possibility of rediscovering meaning, purpose, significance and a God-shaped destiny in life. A well-informed, accessible guide such as Guinness is worth hearing and dialoguing with, so we can all recover the art of effective Christian persuasion again, before it really is too late.
GREG HASLAM is senior pastor at Westminster Chapel