I just received my copy of the 50th anniversary edition of Premier Christianity (October). Wow, has it really been 50 years? How time flies! When I became a Christian in 1974, I was introduced to Buzz magazine and became a regular reader along with other members of the youth fellowship that I belonged to at the time. Buzz was even used as an evangelistic tool with young non-Christians who thought Christianity was dull and boring. It was quite bold and unique in its approach.  

I remember being one of many readers who was concerned when told that Buzz was to become 21st Century Christian. Buzz was a pioneering and ground-breaking magazine. It got slightly confused as 21st Century and finally matured with Premier Christianity as it is now. Isn’t it amazing that some of the people featured, especially in Buzz, are still around and continuing on with the Lord? Persist with the excellent work that you are doing.  

John Tsang  

Many congratulations on your 50th anniversary issue of Premier Christianity. I started reading Buzz in 1968 and have read the magazine ever since with much enjoyment.  

Although you mentioned the merger with Today magazine in 1990, I am surprised that you did not say more about this. Today was, in its turn, the successor of Crusade magazine, launched by the Evangelical Alliance in 1955. Although some of its early issues look old-fashioned and dated now, Crusade was probably the first attempt to create a popular-level illustrated magazine for the Christian public. Very best wishes for the next 50 years of Premier Christianity.  

Graham Hedges  

I thoroughly enjoyed the most recent edition of the magazine – not least the ramble down memory lane. I have fond memories of Buzz, which I started to read in the early 1970s. It always seemed refreshingly irreverent to a teenager brought up in a very conservative church. I’ve subscribed to the magazine since the 21st Century Christian days – and even contributed an article to its Alpha incarnation. Keep up the (very) good work! God bless you and all who work with you.  

Ian Hayter  

I’ve subscribed to the magazine ever since the Buzz days and have to admit to possessing every copy since then - over 40 years’ worth! In its current format, I believe the magazine is the best it’s ever been and would like to offer my congratulations on providing such a superb, balanced, incisive and inclusive read month on month. That’s not to say that I agree with everything published, but I applaud your editorial courage in printing some of the more controversial pieces. We evangelicals need to be made to think more through issues and you certainly provide the framework for that.  

Pete Hyland


I was enjoying Mike Ovey’s article on ‘The art of listening to a sermon’ (October); there was lots of sensible material on preachers’ pride and some good stuff on the terrible things people say to you after a sermon that leave you deflated. But then came the section on less than helpful feedback. I was expecting feedback like ‘that was rubbish, vicar.’ But no, Ovey’s gripe is with a man who had the temerity to come up after a sermon and ask if Ovey had ever visited the local steam railway. This somehow gets the rev into a dither. But why?  

We need to be human, us preachers. I would have found that kind of comment charming and funny. By reacting all ‘holier than thou’ to such normality, it can seem that we take ourselves far too seriously. The best vicars have a smile and an acceptance of people’s foibles. Lighten up, my man, lighten up.  

Rev Steve Morris  


I was disappointed at the superficial understanding of how aid agencies operate, displayed by Jamie Cutteridge in ‘Is the Church ready to respond to Europe’s refugee crisis?’ (October). Aid agencies have to decide whether their efforts are best spent on humanitarian aid or on longer term, sustainable development. Both are equally valuable. Agencies then need to select the best location in which to work, which is often in the country where conflict is taking place. Many agencies may have decided not to operate out of Calais, but this    does not reflect ‘apathy’ as Jamie pejoratively suggests. Instead it shows that agencies have concluded that with limited resources, their efforts are best spent elsewhere.

Faye Booker

I don’t disagree with much of what Jamie Cutteridge wrote. But I wonder, as a Christian, should I welcome all these poor souls desperately fleeing to our country with a compassionate heart, or should I be more concerned for my grandchildren’s future and want the numbers severely limited?  

Although Christians will be among those wanting to reach our country, most will be Muslims. Some will be nominal in their faith, will fit into our culture fairly easily, grateful for the stability they have found. Others will want their culture to continue and will be forceful in their demands. The Islamic faith may eventually overwhelm the rights of Christians; the demography of the UK could be very different in 20 years’ time.

Should I be concerned or should I just say, as Jamie does, ‘every single one of these refugees are beautiful, unique human beings, perfectly created in the image of God’?  

This humanitarian crisis is truly terrible, but who will talk about what the UK will look like in a generation or two’s time? We need to hear the other side of the story.

Elisabeth Lonsdale

Email Premier Christianity putting ‘feedback’ in the subject line We reserve the right to edit letters for style and length. The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the publisher.


I sat down to read Joel Edwards’ ‘Letter to the Church’, (October) in anticipation of his usual competent and thought-provoking communication. But in the end, I felt what he said, though having real merit, had failed to reach the heart of the issue.  

When I rescanned Joel’s letter I found that apart from the phrases ‘followers of Christ,’ ‘disciples of Jesus’ and ‘Youth For Christ’, Jesus got no mention in the whole piece. Unless we continually refer to him, remind ourselves of who he is, his character and his purposes, it will not matter how we ‘retranslate’ his message. John King


One advantage of having just had my appendix whipped out – the chance to read @christianitymag cover to cover in one sitting. #convalescence

@Christianitymag I remember reading Buzz in my high school library...more than 30 years ago! Congratulations on reaching 50 years!

@Christianitymag Rev Mike Oveys article is great especially the paragraph on REDEEMED YET SINNER. Simul Justus et Peccator!

Inspired & challenged by the article in @Christianitymag about
@jarrodmckenna #LoveMakesAWay

@Christianitymag love Doctrine Detective. So helpful!

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