Talking to the magazine he started 60 years ago, Christianity Today, Graham said: ‘I have never witnessed as much confusion as there is today about where to find truth. We have people preaching that God is a God of love, not of wrath. We have people proclaiming that heaven is real but hell is only a figment of imagination.’
He added: ‘Many would prefer to live it up for a short time on earth in hope that there is no hell to suffer in the afterlife. They believe Satan’s lie that there is no life after death. But Jesus spoke of hell much more than he spoke of heaven.’
The evangelist has launched ‘My Hope America with Billy Graham’, a video evangelism course designed for individuals and small groups, and has released what may be his final book, The Reason for My Hope: Salvation (Thomas Nelson).
‘I was burdened to write a book that addressed the epidemic of “easy believism”,’ Graham said. ‘There is a mindset today that if people believe in God and do good works they are going to heaven. But there are many questions that must be answered.’