This delightful short book offers fresh insights on four of the key pillars of Christian spirituality: baptism, Bible, Eucharist and prayer. Based on a series of open Lent lectures given by the former archbishop of Canterbury Cathedral, the chapters have a very accessible and even devotional tone.
This book takes a fresh look at some of the staples of our spiritual diet, which I found very helpful. Williams skirts around contentious issues, offering new riffs on familiar topics. For example, he shows how the Eucharist can help us think more deeply about creation care, while baptism helps us understand human identity. Prayer, he teaches, is essential for peace and reconciliation.
Like me, you may have questions about the book’s presentation of scriptural doctrine. But if you would welcome having your eyes opened to fresh perspectives on familiar practices, you will be amazed at how many new ideas Williams is able to put into a book of barely 80 pages.
KRISH KANDIAH is president of London School of Theology and founder of Home for Good