1. Kings Arms Project
The Bedford-based Kings Arms Project helps people out of homelessness by focussing on accommodation, outreach and opportunity to ensure that homeless people can have a bright future. www.kingsarmsproject.org
2. Level One
Level One at Stirling Baptist Church stages events and programmes on a week-long basis for youth, students, and young adults – including drop-in cafes, acoustic nights, workshops and Bible studies. www.stirlingbaptist.org/level-one.php
3. The Brushstrokes Community Project
This Coleshill-based organisation offers practical resources to the destitute, homeless and others living in extreme poverty. The project supports families and individuals in Birmingham and the Black County – especially asylum seekers and refugees. www.brushstrokessandwell.org.uk
4. Living Well
Based in Penge, south east London, Living Well supports people with problems of addiction, mental health, debt and homelessness. Livingwell.life
5. Urban Outreach
Established 25 years ago, Urban Outreach helps disadvantaged people in Bolton – running a café and outreach service to the homeless, working with prostitutes, reaching out to young people who have run away from home, setting up foodbanks and feeding the hungry. www.urbanoutreach.co.uk
6. Lyrics and Lunch
This Lancaster-based group reaches people who are living with dementia. It meets fortnightly for singing and generally enjoying musical activities, followed by lunch and a chat. www.st.tees.org.uk/Groups/261985/Lyrics_and_lunch.aspx
Commenting on the outstanding quality and effectiveness of the organisations which took part, Premier’s CEO, Peter Kerridge said, ‘We’ve been blown away by the quality, variety and creativity of those who entered these awards. It’s clear that the Christian community across the length and breadth of these islands is making a huge contribution to the public good.’
For more information about the awards and the recognised projects visit www.premier.org.uk/Projects/Love-Britain-Ireland-Awards
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