All Genesis articles
Acclaimed novelist Marilynne Robinson on Reading Genesis, imagining heaven and (not) insulting God
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author says she’s proof that the world isn’t as antagonistic towards Christians as many assume
Magazine Features
The biblical case for egalitarianism
Margaret Mowczko looks at what the Bible says about men and women
Regular Columnists
Your ‘Bible in a year’ reading plan begins with Genesis. And so does the good news
The creation story was utterly unique among Ancient Near Eastern cultures. Instead of warring, angry gods, the Bible tells us that we were created in love, says Lois Tverberg
Magazine Features
Why I’m finally a young earth creationist
Writing in response to Dr Luke Barnes' article on why he no longer believes in young earth creationism, physicist and engineer, Dr Jim Mason shares his own story, and explains why he believes a “plain reading” of Genesis leads to a young earth viewpoint