Gemma Simmonds
Sr Dr Gemma Simmonds CJ is a sister of the Congregation of Jesus, director of the Religious Life Institute and senior lecturer in pastoral theology at the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, Cambridge. She teaches Christian spirituality at the Cambridge Theological Federation. She has been a spiritual director, retreat giver and lecturer for over 25 years, as well as having worked as a prison and university chaplain. She is the author of The Way of Ignatius and Dancing at Still Point (SPCK).
- Magazine Features
Too busy to go on a retreat? Here's how you can enjoy one at home
A spiritual retreat doesn’t have to cost money or take lots of time, says Gemma Simmonds. Whether we have busy jobs, children or responsibilities that we just can’t get away from, God is with us in our every day, just waiting to meet with us
- Opinion
Why wasting time with God may be more productive than you think
Today’s society is busier than ever. But not making time to rest well may be more to do with priorities than we realise, says Gemma Simmonds
- Opinion
Oxford University apologised for hosting a Christian event. But was it really an attack on religious freedom?
Protecting free speech in universities is crucial, says Cambridge lecturer Gemma Simmonds. But while Christians still have the right to preach the gospel, they’d do well to remember Jesus’ overriding law of love