All fundamentalist articles
Magazine Features
How to reach your agnostic friends
The angry atheism once popularised by Richard Dawkins is now widely considered to be just as dogmatic as fundamentalist religion. But with growing numbers of people preferring a gentler, more agnostic approach to faith, Andrew Sach and Jonathan Gemmell explore how we can best reach the fence sitters
Leftward drift: Why Christians are abandoning the faith…and what we can do about it
What if “certainty” is dangerous?
Magazine Features
Deconstructing faith: Meet the evangelicals who are questioning everything
A new generation is re-thinking what they've been told about Christianity, the Bible and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. They argue a 'new reformation' is taking place as they voice their doubts and embrace a process known as theological deconstruction. Those who have walked this road say it's a life-giving and ultimately faith-affirming process, but others are sceptical. Sam Hailes investigates