All Feminist Theology articles

  • Book-cover-0422

    Notes on Feminism - Lauren Windle


    Lauren Windle’s Notes on Feminism is a strikingly bold collection of notes on a theme, in which the author names some of the unspoken realities which will be familiar to many Christian women. Windle doesn’t shy away from articulating unspoken stereotypes: “Many people feel that the ...

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    Nice Churchy Patriarchy - Liz Cooledge Jenkins


    If you agree that Christian women are victims of the patriarchy and the evils of traditional gender roles, then you might value these anecdotes of a feminist navigating her way through the American Church. Otherwise, I do not find much to commend it. Liz Cooledge Jenkins recounts ...

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    The end of woman - Carrie Gress


    Until recently, only a few lone voices dared question whether feminism was really good for women, or society as a whole. That has changed. Unfortunately, some of the new critics are deeply misogynistic and unpleasant, such as much-discussed influencer Andrew Tate. Christians with more traditional values need ...

  • Joan of Arc

    The Globe’s portrayal of a non-binary Joan of Arc is woke nonsense


    It is tempting to paint Saint Joan as some kind of ‘holy tomboy’, but this is a one-dimensional perspective that ignores her deep faith, says Caroline Farrow

  • BW4K7N

    3 things to stop doing with the Bible


    Are you guilty of any of these…?