Claire Gilbert

Claire Gilbert

Dr Claire Gilbert is the founding director of the Westminster Abbey Institute. She has worked for the Archbishops' Council of the Church of England as policy adviser in medical ethics, and is a lay Canon at St Paul's Cathedral. She co-founded the St Paul's Institute in 2003. Claire is visiting fellow at Jesus College, Univeristy of Cambridge, and has been a member of numerous public and advisory bodies. She has authored many books. Her latest, I Julian (Hodder) is available now.

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    My open letter to King Charles as he faces cancer


    Following King Charles’ cancer diagnosis, Claire Gilbert writes an open letter about the lessons she learned while battling the illness, and the strength she drew from the teachings of the ancient mystic, Julian of Norwich

  • Claire_Gilbert
    Real Life

    Writing about Julian of Norwich helped me through cancer


    It is 650 years since Revelations of Divine Love, the first book to be written in English by a woman, was published. As Claire Gilbert reflects on losing her mother as a child, battling cancer and living through the Covid-19 pandemic, she finds Julian’s writings are as relevant today as they were six centuries ago