All Church of England articles – Page 3
Why sex outside marriage is a salvation issue
Christians can’t agree to disagree on sexual ethics, says John Stevens. There’s too much at stake
David Pytches (1931-2023): Bishop, charismatic pioneer and father in the faith
Rt Rev David Pytches, founder of New Wine and former vicar of St Andrews, Chorleywood, has died aged 92. Greg Downes pays tribute to a pioneer of charismatic renewal within the Anglican church
CofE leaders are ‘walking together’ into sin. It’s a bad joke
The true doctrine of marriage cannot be changed, regardless of how the Church of England’s general synod votes, says Andrea Williams. But things are about to get harder for churches and ministers with traditional views on marriage and sexuality
Why I won’t quit the CofE despite the chaos over same-sex relationships
Services of blessings for gay couples were narrowly approved for a trial period at the Church of England’s General Synod yesterday, amid heated debate. Here, Ed Shaw, a celibate, gay minister in the CofE, reflects on the decision and why he’ll continue to campaign for orthodox teaching on sex and marriage to be retained
Why I still believe the Church of England’s prayers for same-sex couples won’t work
The theological rationale published by CofE bishops in support of their proposed prayers to bless same-sex couples contain welcome honesty, says Sean Doherty. But the pastoral guidance is still fatally flawed and pleases neither side, he says
News Analysis
The CofE and same-sex blessings: What’s happening now
The debate over same-sex marriage and prayers of blessing continue in the Church of England. Tim Wyatt explains what’s being proposed at the upcoming General Synod and what it might mean for Anglicans
News Analysis
Bringing home a national treasure
A crowdfunding campaign has raised over half a million pounds to bring a tapestry commissioned by Henry VIII and dubbed “the birth certificate of the Church of England”, back to the UK.
Exclusive: Dissenting bishops speak out on same-sex blessings
On Monday the Church of England’s House of Bishops announced that prayers asking for God’s blessing for same-sex couples should go forward to be formally authorised under canon law. Today, Premier Christianity can exclusively reveal that eleven CofE bishops are dissenting from this plan. Here is their statement in full
News Analysis
Investigation finds Mike Pilavachi 'used spiritual authority to control people'. What happens now?
The Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team has said Mike Pilavachi used his spiritual authority to “control” people, and this led to inappropriate relationships, including “massaging of young male interns”. But questions remain, and more investigations are set to take place. Megan Cornwell reports on what’s likely to happen next
The Times survey of CofE priests is deeply flawed. Here’s why
A recent poll by the national newspaper has suggested that a majority of Anglican clergy are in favour of same-sex marriage. But the methodology, and the presentation of its findings, seem far from robust says Dr Ian Paul
Outdated language is hurting our witness. Christians need to start speaking in plain English
Use of “Thee's” and “Thou's” in our worship services make Christians seem archaic and irrelevant, says Catherine Butcher
The Church of England is not a safe place. That’s why I’ve quit
Gavin Drake, who has long campaigned on behalf of abuse survivors and whose late wife Jill Saward became the first rape survivor in Britain to waive her right to anonymity, has resigned his position on the Church of England’s governing body. He explains what has led to the decision
The Archbishop of York is wrong. The Lord’s Prayer isn’t problematic
The Archbishop of York recently called the Lord’s Prayer ‘problematic’ because it refers to God as ‘Father’. Christians might like to debate the gender of God, but there’s a reason scripture uses the male pronoun, says Tony Wilson
CofE leaders have forgotten Church teaching on sex
The proposed Prayers of Love and Faith, offering blessings for LGBT couples, go before General Synod this week. But Rev Dr Christopher Landau says fundamental questions remain unanswered. He’s making a plea for theological coherence
Why cricket is the Church of England at play
Cricket is probably the only field game that men play fully clothed, observes George Pitcher. It reminds him of the "dressing-up wing of the Church”
‘The Church of England is not survivor focused when it comes to safeguarding’
Jasvinder Sanghera CBE was sacked last week from her role as survivor advocate on the Church of England’s Independent Safeguarding Board amid claims of a breakdown in relationships. In this interview, she sets the record straight
'More money, vicar?' Why clergy are asking for a pay rise
Church of England clergy have asked for a pay rise for the first time in history. They're asking for a 9.5 per cent increase in their stipend. Lucie Walsh explains why its so needed
Justin Welby is right. The Church must be clearer on teaching about sex
Bobbi Kumari was pleased to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury say the Church should be more unapologetic about the “basic rules of sexual morality” – but is the devil in the detail, she wonders?
Regular Columnists
A church divided on ethnic lines cannot stand
It’s a sobering thought, but the next time the Census religion data is revealed in ten years’ time, the Church in England and Wales is unlikely to have grown. Look ahead to 30 years’ time, and the number of Christians will make for even more grim reading. ...
News Analysis
The Church of England's safeguarding crisis explained
Survivors are losing trust in the Church of England's ability to do justice in cases of abuse, while a leading bishop says his name has been unfairly “besmirched”. Rosie Dawson has the full story