All Church of England articles
When is a church not a church?
Have church planters stopped using the word ‘church’ to describe their gatherings? That’s the claim in much of the mainstream media this week, as some accuse the Church of England of undertaking a “woke rebrand”. Emma Fowle takes a closer look at the story
The CofE hasn’t changed its doctrine on marriage. It’s still one man and one woman
Despite what some have suggested, the CofE has not changed its teaching on marriage, says Dr Ian Paul. He explains what has - and hasn’t - happened, and why he’ll keep fighting for church doctrine to remain faithful to Jesus’ teaching
The UK Church is not in decline. There are signs of revival everywhere
Rev Dr Hannah Steele’s church in Peckham was transformed by the faithful prayers of a band of women who prayed for decades. It’s just one story of many green shoots of growth that are springing up across the Church, she says
Labour says it's serious about change. The Church should be too
It’s time for the Church to get serious about the things that really matter, says George Pitcher. And that means less time on same-sex relationships and more on the lost, the poor and the marginalised
News Analysis
Explained: CofE approves gay blessings for a three-year trial
General Synod has agreed to trial standalone services of blessing for gay couples, as well as concessions for parishes who do not wish to use them. Meanwhile, discussions continue around marriage for gay vicars. The margins are tiny, says Tim Wyatt, but both sides seem as far apart as ever. Is it only a matter of time before schism occurs?
Why don’t people trust the Church of England? (Clue: social media isn’t to blame)
If the Church of England wants to restore trust, it needs to earn it, says George Pitcher. Social media is not the problem, it’s the lack of transparency in dealing with the hard issues
Exclusive: Bishops call for LLF re-think for sake of unity
Writing ahead of next week’s General Synod, where the Church of England will consider offering stand alone services where same-sex couples can be blessed, eleven Church of England bishops warn such action would go against church doctrine and further endanger the unity of the church
Yearning For the Vast and Endless Sea - Chris Russell
Here’s a book to excite you, especially if you’ve lost your passion for the gospel message. It aims to stir the flames of a burning desire to tell others the good news. Written by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s advisor for evangelism, Chris Russell, the book comes complete ...
Church of England cowardice is hindering our evangelism
The CofE hierarchy care too much about what plays well in the liberal media - and its damaging our gospel witness, says Andy Bannister
‘More than 100 new local congregations have sprung up in the past five years’
The Church may be in decline in the UK, but the CofE’s latest report shows some signs of regrowth. In Blackburn, Joy Rushton says the growing numbers of children and young people attending church is down to a focus on creativity and innovation
The CofE is going in the wrong direction on racial diversity. There is a better way
The Church of England should not be adopting the language of Critical Race Theory or importing the US culture war on racism, says Dr Ian Paul
Magazine Features
Pictures: London church transformed into immersive experience
St Martin-in-the-Fields church has provided the backdrop to a new immersive sound and light experience which celebrates the natural world.
Synod’s same-sex discussions are still stuck
Yet there were some glimmers of hope, says Rev Jago Wynne. Here’s what a way forward for the CofE might look like
The Church of England must repent. It’s the only way to stop the decline
As the church’s governing body prepares for another round of debates over same-sex relationships and the decision to host raves in cathedrals causes consternation, Tim Dieppe suggests that radical repentance is the only way to stop the rot
Alan Wilson (1955-2024): A courageous and prophetic pastor
The Bishop of Buckingham and former Premier trustee, Rt Rev Dr Alan Wilson, has passed away at the age of 68. He was well known for his advocacy on behalf of church abuse survivors and for encouraging the Church to embrace the opportunities provided by digital media. The former Bishop of Oxford Rt Rev John Pritchard pays tribute to him
News Analysis
Is the Church of England still institutionally racist?
It’s three years since the Church of England pledged a sweeping programme of reform to overturn racist culture in the Church. Following Racial Justice Sunday, Tim Wyatt asks what progress has been made
Exclusive: CofE bishops offer ‘theological vision’ on Christian life and discipleship
Eight bishops in the Church of England have today released a new document entitled ‘A theological vision’. Here’s the text in full
I was fired for my sermon on LGBT issues. But I will not apologise for speaking the truth
Former school chaplain, Bernard Randall says he was sacked for gross misconduct and reported to the Government’s anti-terrorism programme after delivering a sermon which contained Christian views on sexuality
Process isn’t sexy but it matters. The Church is in a mess over same-sex blessings
Failing to follow good process always results in more problems and more pain. That’s why the Church of England’s wranglings over same-sex blessings are bound to continue, says Rebecca Chapman
News Analysis
The biggest stories of 2023
The most significant stories for Christians from the past twelve months