All Christian Living articles
Discovering the power of quiet in a busy world
In Reclaiming Quiet, Sarah Clarkson invites readers to embrace the transformative power of stillness in a culture consumed by busyness. Reflecting on her personal journey toward holiness, Clarkson explores the profound joy of cultivating a life of holy attention
The viral vicar of Instagram’s life message is this: Know you are Beloved
Rev Chris Lee’s new book Know You Are Beloved offers a heartfelt exploration of God’s transformative love and its impact on our identity and way of life. Drawing on the wisdom of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, Lee presents a call to discipleship rooted in the assurance of being deeply loved by our creator
Real Life
‘We’re trying to change skiers’ perceptions of who God is’
When Lara and Will Sussman became Christians, they wondered how God could use them. It turned out, he wanted them just where they were – in a French ski resort
3 ways to love those with dementia this Christmas
During the festive season, we celebrate Jesus coming to a world who did not recognise him. Ben Boland shares his top tips for loving those who may not recognise us either, whether at Christmas or all year round
Creativity with the Creator: How to use your gifts for the glory of God
In Creativity with the Creator, Maxine Harrison offers an insightful guide to Christian creativity, drawing from biblical examples of God’s creative nature. From the creation of the world to the architectural skills given to Bezalel, Harrison explores how we are all endowed with God’s creativity
Praying by Heart: Rediscovering the depth and power of the Lord’s Prayer
In Praying by Heart, Stephen Cottrell challenges readers to move beyond merely reciting the Lord’s Prayer and explore its profound meaning
Want to share your faith with confidence? This book will help
In a time when many are turning away from secularism, Glen Scrivener’s How to Speak Life: Sharing Your Faith in 3-2-1 offers Christians timely and practical guidance in evangelism, says Pat Finlow
What did Jesus’ quiet time look like?
Mike Wallbridge offers a glimpse into Jesus’ personal times of prayer, revealing a form of communion with God you may not expect. Could Jesus’ moments of prayer provide a model for your own quiet time today?
Regular Columnists
I’m a Bible-carrying Mr Bean. Here’s the proof
Jeff Lucas shares his most embarrassing moment
Magazine Features
RT Kendall: Here’s what my ‘finest hour’ will look like…
My finest hour won’t be my greatest sermon or book, says RT Kendall. Drawing inspiration from the life of David, the Bible teacher explains what his finest hour will look like, and reveals how you can have one too
Magazine Features
The significance of now: How to find God in every season
Whether you’re a newlywed, empty-nester or busy building a business, God is with you in every stage of your life. Joe Warton explains how to make the most of right now
Magazine Features
A bitter pill: Why Christians are rethinking contraception
Christian attitudes towards contraception have changed radically during the past century. As young women start to question its use, is it time for the Church to do the same?
Regular Columnists
Jesus let himself be interrupted. We should follow his example
Most of us don’t do well with interruptions. But allowing ourselves to be re-directed can be a useful and godly trait, says Jeff Lucas
Magazine Features
How to hear God’s voice in your marriage
Iain Dunbar looks at the tricky subject of decision-making in marriage. Here’s how couples can get better at hearing God’s voice together
Thank God it's Monday
The station manager: ‘I pray throughout the day and God helps me fix problems’
The Church is made up of Christians from a myriad of different professions, and yet their ordinary tales of God at work rarely get told. In this series, we bring you stories of faith on the frontline
Reasoning in the Public Square - Graham Nicholls
At first glance, this book appears to live up to Graham Nicholls’ intention to provide practical guidance on how Christians can publicly proclaim the gospel to non-Christians. In six short chapters, the director of Affinity addresses the challenges of spreading the word through traditional forms of media, ...
Regular Columnists
Jeff Lucas: How I became a Christian
It was a rash, spur-of-the-moment decision to go to a church that day. Previous encounters during my 17 years of life had not been too impressive. As a child, I attended Sunday school three times. I felt confused, because those were the days of fuzzy felt, where ...
Metamorphosis - Matt Hatch
Metamorphosis sets out to help the struggling but committed believer to pursue God’s best for them. This recommended process of growth and transformation owes as much to the ancient practices of the past – particularly Ignatian spirituality – as it does to the modern-day wisdom of the ...
Life in the Negative World - Aaron M Renn
Christians in the UK have long lived in what Aaron Renn calls the “negative world”, receiving hostility and suspicion from the wider culture because of our beliefs. The secularisation of the USA, where Renn lives, has been slower, but this book examines the phenomenon and suggests solutions. ...
Regular Columnists
God isn’t a cosmic policeman. He’s so much better than that
There have been times when I’ve viewed God like a cosmic policeman, admits Jeff Lucas. But he isn’t the God of the gotcha. He’s good.