All Assisted Suicide articles
Explainer: What Christians need to know about the Assisted Suicide Bill
The committee scrutinising Kim Leadbeater’s Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill have heard evidence from more than 50 experts and is now debating amendments - including that cases would no longer have to be signed off by a High Court judge. If just 28 MPs switch to oppose the bill when it returns to parliament, it would be defeated, says Catherine Robinson
Societal views on gender are shifting for the better. Christians are on the right side of history
Christians have often felt on the backfoot when it comes to debates around issues such as sexuality, abortion and transgender. But Peter Lynas believes significant shifts are taking place in Western culture and there are good reasons to be optimistic
Tim Farron: ‘Christians must keep fighting assisted dying’
Christians shouldn’t be surprised if assisted dying is legalised in the UK, says Tim Farron MP. But we must continue to challenge it, even if our motivations are questioned. The sanctity of life is at stake
Esther Rantzen is wrong. There’s no such thing as ‘secular neutrality’
Christians should not feel intimidated by those who say our faith is not a legitimate basis from which to express an opinion. Everyone’s worldview is shaped by something, says Jamie Gillies, including humanists, atheists or secularists. Ours is no less valid
Tim Farron: Assisted dying makes the vulnerable even more so
Changing the law will make those at risk of abuse much more vulnerable, says Tim Farron, as well as putting pressure on the elderly and infirm to ‘do the decent thing’ and choose death
Assisted suicide isn’t a choice we should give ourselves
Danny Webster challenges the idolisation of autonomy, highlighting how assisting suicide undermines the value of choice and freedom
Magazine Editorial
From the editor: Why I’m against assisted suicide
A change in the law could be disastrous, says Sam Hailes, as he introduces Premier’s new campaign
7 reasons why the assisted suicide plans should be rejected
The full text of the End of Life Bill tabled by Kim Leadbeater MP, has been published. With less than three weeks before politicians vote on it, James Mildred explains why it is imprecise, dangerous and should not be passed into law
There’s still cause for hope on assisted suicide
Parliament could be weeks away from voting to legalise assisted suicide. But it’s not a done deal. There are good reasons to think it could be defeated, and there’s still time for you to act, says James Mildred
The Good Samaritan didn’t offer lethal drugs to the dying. Neither should we
A proposal to legalise assisted dying will be debated by MPs this month. James Mildred says Christians have many powerful reasons to oppose a change in the law
This suicide pod is horrific. But it’s the logical result of our consumer society
Assisted suicide is the ultimate expression of individualism, says Tony Wilson. But we can’t control all aspects of our lives, and Christians have good reasons to surrender their wants and desires to God
Yes, I’m a Christian. But my opposition to assisted suicide isn’t faith-based
A vote to legalise assisted dying across the UK could be imminent, according to some media reports. If passed, it could bring about one of the biggest social changes in the UK since the 1967 Abortion Act. George Pitcher says the issue deserves a proper, unemotional debate
Allowing assisted suicide would be like opening the door to hell
Esther Rantzen’s petition to legalise assisted dying received more than 200,000 signatories, triggering a parliamentary debate. Christian Concern’s Andrea Williams is calling on politicians to protect the sanctity of life
Euthanasia is just eugenics in disguise. Christians must stand against it
In a recent conversation with Esther Rantzen, Sir Keir Starmer made it clear that he supported plans to legalise assisted dying in the UK. As a minister and the parent of a child with Autism, Sam Tomlin has serious concerns
Scotland’s leaders made a terrible mistake this week – assisted suicide is a slippery slope
Christians must stand against the prescription of poison to people who are suffering, says Jamie Gillies
Praise God the House of Lords rejected attempts to legalise assisted suicide (again!)
This was the 12th attempt by campaigners to change the law. Thankfully they have failed again, says Alistair Thompson
People are being scared into supporting assisted suicide. Christians must tell a different story
Access to good palliative care for everyone is what Christians should be campaigning for, says this doctor
The Bible doesn’t condemn assisted dying. But changing the law would still be wrong
Christians need compassion when debating assisted dying. But legalising it sets us on a slippery slope, says Chris Goswami
Magazine Features
Euthanasia: In search of a compassionate response
As the campaign to legalise assisted dying ramps up, Heather Tomlinson explains why Christians need to reassess their assumptions about individualism and personal autonomy
From caring to killing: As an NHS doctor, I could never support assisted dying
New bills to legalise assisted dying have been lodged in both Holyrood and Westminster, while in Jersey a citizens’ jury has already voted in favour of changing the law. But Dr Kalpana Dein, a Christian and Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, believes such a move would bring about devastating consequences