Alister McGrath
Alister McGrath is Andreas Idreos professor of science and religion at the University of Oxford, and author of the award-winning biography C.S. Lewis: A Life (Hodder & Stoughton). Find out more on The CS Lewis Podcast with Alister McGrath. Download it at cslewispodcast.com His latest book, What's the Point of Theology: Wisdom, wonder and wellbeing (SPCK) is available now.
- Opinion
Forget growth strategies and church management, theology is the beating heart of the Christian faith
Far from being boring and irrelevant, theology is how the Church finds the words to describe the treasure it has been entrusted with, says Alister McGrath. Without it, Christianity collapses
- Magazine Features
The Christian faith of CS Lewis
CS Lewis’ books communicate some of the most profound truths of the Christian faith in a way that all can understand, and remain classics to this day, says Alister McGrath