Hazel Southam

Hazel is an author and journalist who regularly contributes to Christian publications.

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    Archive content

    Fighting on God's side?


    As Europe commemorates the centenary of the ‘war to end all wars’, Hazel Southam uncovers the stories of six Christians whose faith was put into action both on and off the battlefield.

  • Archive content

    Guilt Free Pleasure?


    Dairy Milk might be as bad for the waistline as it always was, but the recent announcement from Cadbury means that it might no longer tug at our ethical conscience. But what exactly does it mean to have gone Fairtrade, and what difference will it make?

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    Lessons For Life


    There are few outlets for teenagers in Enfield – except to join a gang. A new Oasis Academy in the area is seeking to address the needs of the whole community

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    Faith & Politics Do Mix!


    Prime Minister Tony Blair is the most high profile Christian in British politics. With a General Election looming, Hazel Southam interviewed three MPs about their faith and their politics Faith & Politics do mix!

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    Political Climber


    Graham Dale is widely considered to a rising star in the Labour party. Hazel Southam went to meet an angry, hardworking and passionate Christian who is busy climbing the greasy pole of politics.