All vote articles
News Analysis
Explained: Why Christians voted for Donald Trump
We may disagree with their decision, but our American brothers and sisters had good reasons for backing Trump, says Heather Tomlinson. We should seek to understand them
There’s still cause for hope on assisted suicide
Parliament could be weeks away from voting to legalise assisted suicide. But it’s not a done deal. There are good reasons to think it could be defeated, and there’s still time for you to act, says James Mildred
News Analysis
Survey: Evangelicals probably won’t vote Conservative at the next election
Evangelical Alliance polling suggests believers are matching shifts in the general population and tacking towards the Labour Party
Why US evangelicals are still saying ‘Amen’ to Trump
He may have been charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, but Donald Trump continues to attract widespread support among white evangelicals. Chris Goswami explains why