Tomi Ajayi

Tomi is an aspiring novelist currently working as communications manager for ENCISS.

  • Magazine Features

    The Cost of Living


    As the recession deepens, Third World countries are seeing aid and development reduced dramatically as agencies struggle with falling donations and a weaker pound. So could it be that, though it was a first world problem, it is yet again developing countries which are being hit the hardest?

  • Archive content

    Summer Events Guide


    Festival season is upon us, which means a summer of Bible teaching, worship and hopefully, some sun. The downside is the potential environmental impact. Here’s how to do your bit to make your festival green...

  • Archive content

    Summer Events Guide: list


    Festival season is upon us, which means a summer of Bible teaching, worship and hopefully, some sun. The downside is the potential environmental impact. Here’s how to do your bit to make your festival green...