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In the UK alone over 9 million people play competitively each week and way more are members of gyms and enjoy going for a run. Watching sport is also a huge national pastime. The top-10 most watched tv shows this year will all be live sport as people gather together with their friends at home, in pubs and at sports clubs.

In one of the biggest sporting summers , with Euro 2024 and the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, there is a great opportunity to share the gospel this summer as people gather around the excitement of these events.

Around major sporting events churches have previously run events to help bring people into their buildings and give them a chance to consider Jesus. Whether through big screen watch parties, special sport themed services or putting on an evangelistic event like a sports quiz, sport can bring people together like little else does.

To help make the most of this opportunity, Christians in Sport have produced a downloadable pack full of content to help churches, sports clubs and individuals make the most of the opportunities.

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The pack includes:

• Two sports quizzes designed to be used in an evangelistic event

• A creative video talk with evangelist Graham Daniels using the story of Eric Liddell (Chariots of Fire), 100 years since his famous race.

• A short animated spoken word sharing the gospel through the Eric Liddell story

• Two Testimony films from a former Olympian and Paralympian

• An Olympic church service guide

• A guide to running a big screen watch party

• A School assembly and lesson guide


Christians in Sport have also partnered with 10ofThose to produce a short commemorative book and tract which can be purchased through them. A number of churches have already purchased thousands of copies to hand out at events over the summer. 

Amy has invited friends to sports quizzes at her church for a number of years saying:

“A quiz is a really easy way to invite my friends to hear about Jesus that whilst having fun together.”

Rich has run big-screen watch parties in his church in Northern Ireland for several years.

“We’ve run big-screen events and seen over 100 people come along to watch a match and hear a short half time talk on the gospel, the atmosphere is brilliant, especially if it’s a good game! They’ve been great at getting people into church. It’s a relaxed atmosphere and guests hear the good news of Jesus. And the follow up is simple: just turn up to the same venue on Sunday morning for church! ”

For a small optional donation, you can download the pack to use at events such as sports quizzes, family fun days or big-screen events as you seek to reach people in your local area with the good news of Jesus.

Head to to get your pack now.

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