All Premier Christianity articles in September 2003

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    Youthwork Works!


    Over 6,000 youth workers are employed by local churches, John Buckeridge analyses a recent survey which reveals the impact this small army is having.

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    Joined up Thinking


    In his first in a new series looking at the way local churches are impacting their communities, Steve Chalke looks at a church where the range of activities serves the whole person.

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    Plugging Church


    How do you encourage people to attend church? John Buckeridge asked two marketing agencies to devise an advertising campaign to encourage non-church goers to attend a service next Sunday.

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    Talkin' Bout My Generation


    Richard Tiplady explores the conflicts between the generations which are raging in the church and in the mission field and asks "why is this happening, and what can be done about it?"

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    Ask The Expert


    Makeover experts like Susannah and Trinny are part of a growing genre of TV 'call for the expert' shows. Churches are also hiring consultants to help them cope with change or develop a new strategy. Andy Peck investigates...