All Premier Christianity articles in November 2012
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Can I read Fifty Shades of Grey?
Maggie Ellis answers a question on the suitability of erotic fiction.
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From incest to healing
Maria Landon’s childhood was indescribable. Her mother fled the abusive home, her father raped her and pimped her out as a prostitute. As an adult she was locked into abusive relationships, emotional pain and repeated suicide attempts.
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God's Own Party
How are American evangelicals likely to vote in the forthcoming presidential election? Timothy C Morgan analyses the power of their vote.
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Restless Wanderers
They made folk music cool again. Their lead singer has well-known Christian parents. And they sing about God. Surely Mumford and Sons are a Christianity culture columnist’s dream? Martin Saunders is not so sure.
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The Spirit Filled Life
Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending Premier Christian Radio'sWoman to Woman conference. The event was completely sold out and expectations were high. I went along with my Christianity hat on, and attempted to live tweet, take notes, listen and respond (insert obvious pun about being a woman and ...
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The Blue Marble
I think it's time I let you in on a secret. I kept a moon diary as a child. Not content with Barbie dolls, Sylvanian families or playing in the garden with my friends, every night I drew a picture of the moon. The idea, so my father told me, ...
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Think Before You Tweet
Your alarm goes at 6.45am, what's the first thing that you do? Well, if you're anything like me you reach for your phone and immediately check Facebook and Twitter. Obsessed with social media? Possibly. The vast majority of my friends have an online presence. They tweet, update their statuses and ...