All Premier Christianity articles in November 2003

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    Hurray for Hutton


    Mark Greene bows to editorial diktat and considers Hutton and the dangers of a declining BBC.

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    Jesus’ favourite talk topic


    When Jesus told parables his favourite subject was money. Redina Kolaneci reveals how much money British Christians give away and offers a biblical overview on tithing plus quotes from church leaders who preach the need to tithe and those who believe this is not a New Testament concept.

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    Social Entrepreneurship


    Steve Chalke charts the progress of a Christian charity which is literally saving families!

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    Enthusiast for evangelism


    Andy Peck talks to Lee Strobel, former journalist with the Chicago Tribune, teaching pastor at the Willow Creek Community Church, Chicago and now serving at Saddleback Community Church, California, about keeping evangelism on the church's agenda.

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    Emerging or Submerging?


    Many people today find it difficult to relate what happens on a Sunday to the rest of their lives and are looking for ways to express their faith and explore spirituality in a manner that is more relevant to contemporary culture. Experiments with new expressions of church are exploding in the UK. Chris Stoddard investigates these emerging and mostly fragile congregations.

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    Spiritual Director


    Selwyn Hughes, the founder of CWR and author of the influential 'Every Day With Jesus' Bible notes talks to Andy Peck about why he has become a fervent supporter of 'Spiritual Direction', what it takes to become a spiritual director and why he thinks every pastor could become one.

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    The Three Cs of Team Selection


    When you recruit a team for a church or Christian organisation, what do you look for in potential members? In this extract from his book Courageous Leadership, Bill Hybels, reflects on 30 years of team building as Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, Chicago and suggests three keys on team selection.