All Premier Christianity articles in November 2001

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    Unholy War?


    The devastating terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on 11th September have resulted in tears, calls for revenge attacks and the widespread view that things will never be the same again. John Buckeridge asked American futurist Tom Sine to predict what new trends he thinks the tragedy has unleashed and what response to the attacks he considers is appropriate.

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    Money Making Missionaries


    A growing number of mission organisations are discovering that Christians trained in business skills can make a great contribution to cross cultural mission. Andy Peck talks to the pioneering organisations promoting this idea and asks; How does business and mission work out in practice?

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    Healing Wounded History


    Russ Parker believes we can help people break longstanding cycles of hatred, and introduce healing into places where dark deeds still stain the soil.

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    New Frontiers


    New Frontiers International (NFI) is a major New Church stream, perhaps best known as the organisers of the Stoneleigh Bible Weeks. John Buckeridge met Dave Holden, the Team Leader of the European Team of NFI, to find out more about their church planting philosophy and why they closed down Stoneleigh - their highly popular Bible Week.

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    Using Tarot in Evangelism


    Massive recent cultural changes have led many frontline workers in mission and evangelism to adopt new and sometimes startling methods. It may seem bizarre but Christians are using Tarot cards to share gospel truth with New Age seekers. John Drane explains how, why and addresses the big concern: Can Tarot with its strong occult links – really be used for good or is it not the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing?

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    Political Climber


    Graham Dale is widely considered to a rising star in the Labour party. Hazel Southam went to meet an angry, hardworking and passionate Christian who is busy climbing the greasy pole of politics.

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    The Invisible Church: Part Five


    Returning from a meeting on 'the future of the church', Nick Page is flung into the future, to the year 2040. He discovers that church buildings are now regarded as museums and the Anglican Church in Britain a pale shadow of its former life, with the recent General Synod held in a back room of the Rose and Crown in Tooting. He finds that bureaucracy, outdated training methods and increasing detachment from community were amongst the reasons for the demise.

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    Christianity Vanquished?


    Cardinal Cormac Connor-O'Murphy's pronouncement that Christianity is "almost vanquished" offers little for the faithful Catholic or Protestant to be joyous about - so what is the future for our faith, asks Mark Greene.

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    Look Before You Leap: Researching Your Community's Needs


    In the third of his Faithworks series, Steve Chalke takes a look at the importance of honestly assessing the real needs of your local community before engaging your church in social action.

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    Avoid a Shrivelled Soul


    Are your daily choices enlarging your heart or shrivelling your soul? Paul Borthwick outlines 10 life-enhancing strategies for developing spiritual resilience and vitality.

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    Grace Abounding


    Sophia Mwangi visits an international west London Church which majors on teaching its members who they are in Christ.