All Premier Christianity articles in July 2005

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    Soaking Prayer


    Looking for a greater sense of the presence of God? Christians both sides of the Atlantic are finding that 'soaking prayer' is leading to a greater openness to God and his felt presence. Roger Harper investigates.

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    Justice At A Price


    The three aims of Make Poverty History (MPH) 'trade justice', 'drop the debt' and 'more and better aid' sounds great. MPH has got to be a good thing - right?

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    Old Missions Strategy Cut Down


    The way we used to do world mission is disappearing faster than the Amazonian rainforest. Andy Peck identifies six new mission strategies that are delivering growth. But are you and your church adopting, or even aware of, this new evangelistic thinking?

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    Crusading For Conscience


    Mark Greene is intrigued by Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven.