John Wyatt
Dr John Wyatt is emeritus professor of Neonatal Paediatrics at University College London, current president of the Christian Medical Fellowship and co-editor of The Robot Will See You Now (SPCK)
- Magazine Features
Running the race: How you can finish well
Many assume that retirement is all about ticking off the bucket list of life’s great experiences. But for Christians, deep joy in our golden years is found elsewhere, says Dr John Wyatt
- Magazine Features
The robot revolution is coming…But are Christians ready?
Advances in technology mean intelligent machines are likely to play an increasingly important role in our future. But this raises serious ethical, philosophical and spiritual questions, says Dr John Wyatt
- Magazine Features
How to have hope in the face of coronavirus
The coronavirus pandemic has led to an exponential rise in mental health conditions triggered by all-pervading death anxiety. Prof John Wyatt says Christians must daily rekindle biblical hope as an antidote to fear-driven government policies
- Magazine Features
Dying well: How to face death with faith and not fear
Retired intensive care doctor Professor John Wyatt shares his unique perspective on what it means to die well