All Premier Christianity articles in January 2009
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Archive content
Is the traffick slowing?
The bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade in 2007 saw the launch of a campaign calling the UK Church to take notice of the reality that thousands of people are trafficked onto our shores every year for sexual exploitation. Nearly two years on, has it achieved anything? How is the Church responding to this still live issue of tragic injustice?
Archive content
He wants sex more than I do
How do you overcome vast differences in sexual appetite? My husband seems to want sex all the time and I just can’t keep up. I do enjoy it when I feel in the mood, but we are doing it so often that I now regularly just do the proverbial ‘lie back and think of England’!
Profile: Philip Yancey
He lost his faith in a racist church and made a living out of being a doubter and a sceptic, but when he faced death in 2007 he did so with the knowledge that God is a God of love after all. So where will Philip Yancey go from here?
Archive content
The Road Less Travelled
What can we learn about walking with Christ from the way ancient rabbis taught their students? Steve Chalke discovers a challenge to go deeper...
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Economies of faith
John Buckeridge on the opportunities and threats of the credit crunch...
Magazine Features
Kingdom Economics
As we have watched the economy collapse in recent months, some Christians are asking whether there is something wrong with the dominant economic system and whether there are any alternatives to it...
Archive content
Celtic queen
The Godmother of Celtic music Moya Brennan, on Irish music, heart worship her first ever live album...