Jago Wynne
Jago Wynne is rector of Holy Trinity Clapham. He is a member of General Synod and the author of several books, including Working Without Wilting (IVP), 100% Christianity (IVP) and A Very Messy Christmas (10ofthose). He is a director of the Alliance, an informal partnership of leaders of networks within the Church of England, including the Catholic Group on General Synod, the Church of England Evangelical Council, Church Society, the Evangelical Group on General Synod, Forward in Faith, the Global Majority reps on General Synod, the HTB Network, Living Out, Myriad, New Wine, ReNew and the Society (under the patronage of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda), along with members of the House and College of Bishops.
- Opinion
Synod’s same-sex discussions are still stuck
Yet there were some glimmers of hope, says Rev Jago Wynne. Here’s what a way forward for the CofE might look like