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SASRA proclaims the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and goes where the church cannot go.

1 Paul at Redford Barracks praying with soldier 2023

Just as 80 years ago young military personnel accepted the extraordinary dangers of the D-Day landings and the campaign across Europe, today’s Armed Forces stand ready to face similar dangers, if called upon to do so.

• Around 50 per cent of non-commissioned recruits are teenagers

• Many recruits are from sections of society where the Church has little reach

• Most have never been to church or even held a Bible in their hands

5 Josh Fortune Bible study 2022


SASRA works to ensure that those risking their lives hear the gospel and understand that there is a life after death.

SASRA employs missionary evangelists, called Scripture Readers, who have the opportunity to live and minister ‘behind the wire’, presenting the good news of Jesus Christ to all British Military personnel.


SASRA proclaims the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and goes where the church cannot go.

We stand ready to serve those who serve. Please sign up to find out how you can help us.

“Joining the Army was the starting point on my journey to the Christian faith. Basic soldier training was a horrible experience for me but attending the church services every Sunday brought encouragement and a much-needed sense of peace.” – Christian soldier

“Had it not been for the Scripture Reader’s prayers and the work of SASRA along the way, I would not have gone on to have a full Army career and be here to talk about it today” – Army veteran

Mike and soldier at SASRA Tea Room Edinburgh Tattoo 2023

“I have been working amongst the men back from the Normandy battle front. Both officers and men have given me a very vivid description of what faith in God means in the thick of the battle; many made the great decision on the field.” – Scripture Reader’s report from 1944.

Today, SASRA exists for the same purpose as it did during the wars of the past: to serve those who serve, and to tell them of the call to be a soldier of the Lord’s Army”

You can discover more about the important work of SASRA and how you can help by visiting: D-Day 80 » SASRA

Or call: 03000 301 302