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Sharing her personal journey through breast cancer, Leanne Mallett shows how we can all hold on to God in the storms of life.

Leanne Mallett

Leanne Mallett’s life was comfortable and fulfilled. Her faith was steady, nurtured from childhood. But then she was faced with the diagnosis every woman dreads.

Leanne’s battle with breast cancer forced her to face some of her greatest fears and tested her faith in a way she had never experienced before. Treatment changed her appearance and stripped her of her identity as a woman, and her life was changed.

In her new book With These Hands, Leanne shares how she dealt with this new reality and reveals the lessons she learned about God’s incredible faithfulness and the strength that he gives us when we need it most.

One of these lessons is how the fingerprints of God are all over our lives if we take the time to look. She says: ‘I had got to know my Heavenly Father’s hands growing up and so when I went through this storm in my life, I was able to trust that he had me close and I was safe in his arms.

Leanne shares many powerful moments of God holding her that we can take comfort from as we are pointed to Jesus. Whilst undergoing an MRI scan at the start of treatment for instance, she decided to spend the time praying. ‘God spoke to me in such a powerful way and reminded me that Jesus had already won the victory over sickness and death. As I pictured the cross standing bold, I was reminded of the words “It is finished”. In those moments, the power of the cross and what it stood for, hit me. I had many fears and was filled with uncertainties as I faced the future, but I walked out that scan with a peace and comfort that just calmed my fears.’

‘The same hands that hung the stars in space can move your mountain.’

With These Hands is a deeply personal yet uplifting story that encourages us, whatever storms we face, that we can confidently put our trust in God’s loving care.


Leanne hopes that ‘whatever readers are facing they know that they are not alone, and that there is a God that loves them and is right beside them in their storm.’

Leanne Mallett leads Aspire, the national women’s ministry for the Elim network of churches. Based in Hereford, she has a heart to see others released into their God-given callings.

‘Whatever you are going through right now remember God is there with you. He goes before you and will put things in place with his mighty hands.’

With These Hands: Holding onto God in the storms of life is published by Authentic Media, ISBN: 9781788932745,

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