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    UCCF - it’s time for me to say sorry


    A former team leader at the Christian charity UCCF apologises for her part in developing an “unhealthy” culture that “damaged” employees 

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    Faith in God is good news for employers. Here’s why


    A new survey from the Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life reveals that far from being a negative thing, having a religious faith means you’re more likely to work hard, trust your colleagues and be satisfied in your job. It’s something to celebrate, says Mark Greene

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    UCCF investigation: Are the silences louder than the statement?


    UCCF has released the long-awaited results of an investigation into alleged breaches of employment law and discrimination. With the news coming in the wake of the resignations of nearly half the trustee board, Tanya Marlow says many important questions still remain unanswered