Dr Hugh Osgood
Dr Hugh Osgood is a senior UK church leader, accomplished Bible teacher and preacher. He has taught at many conferences with his sermons being widely broadcast on radio and TV. He has held a number of national and international positions, including the Free Churches Moderator and a President of Churches Together in England, as well as being the Co-Convenor of the UK Charismatic and Pentecostal Leaders’ Gathering and serving as the founding President of Churches in Communities International.
- Magazine Features
Is kindness killing the Church?
When doctrinal disputes arise it's easy to politely agree to disagree. But Dr Hugh Osgood believes such "kindness" is detrimental to the health of the Church. We need to start listening to one another, he says, because each denomination has something valuable to offer. Let's trust that the unity of the Spirit will undergird us, even in the toughest of conversations