All articles by David Instone-Brewer – Page 3
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A one woman man
Many churches teach that Christian leaders must never have been divorced, quoting 1 Timothy 3:12: ‘the husband of one wife’ (KJV). But the apostle Paul had something else in mind, says our doctrine detective David Instone-Brewer
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The Perfect Wife
Is ‘wifely submission’ a curse we should ignore, or biblical teaching we should follow? Our Doctrine Detective David Instone-Brewer investigates
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The Truth about Tithing
In a new series, David Instone-Brewer becomes the Doctrine Detective and investigates whether there’s really a biblical basis for many popular teachings. This month: Should Christians be tithing 10%?
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Blood moons and Bible prophecy
David Instone-Brewer delves into the world of astronomy as he examines recent claims of end-time signs.
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Evolution’s Creator
Wherever they stand on the debate, all Christians can praise God for the process of evolution, says our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer.
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God of the multiverse
Some atheists use multiverse theories to argue against the existence of God. David Instone-Brewer agrees that our universe may be just one among many – but God must have created all of them.
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Does individual life really begin at conception?
Writing in the June edition of Premier Christianity, David Instone Brewer argued that an individual life begins 14 days after conception. Read David’s controversial article, and Peter D Williams’ response below.
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To infinity and beyond
Could the mathematics of infinity point to something beyond this universe?
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Autopsy of a crucifixion
Drawing on his studies in forensic pathology, David Instone-Brewer explores the science of crucifixion.
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Upcycled Earth
Our planet will one day become our renewed eternal home, so we had better look after it, says David Instone-Brewer.
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Can you weigh a spirit?
David Instone-Brewer delves into neurology and explores the nature of the human spirit.
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Refresh my memory
When we get to heaven, will we remember everything we said and did on earth? Our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer examines how memory works and whether our resurrection bodies will be accompanied by a reconditioned memory bank.
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Millions in the Wilderness
Exactly how many Israelites lived in the wilderness? Continuing his series exploring science and the Bible, our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer explores whether the numbers in Exodus add up.
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Christmas Scandals
Festive cards usually depict a serene tableau set in a stable complete with shepherds, wise men and baby Jesus with a halo. But the first Christmas was anything but respectable. David Instone-Brewer reveals the unconventional nativity characters that would have made even a tabloid journalist blush.
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Male and female he created them?
Our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer explores what the Bible has to say on gender and transgender issues.
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Life before Adam?
Continuing his series on science and the Bible, David Instone-Brewer takes a closer look at what Genesis reveals about the origins of humankind.
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In the first of his new series exploring science and the Bible, our resident theologian David Instone-Brewer uncovers the significance of stars.
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Better the Devil you know
David Instone-Brewer explores Jesus’ teaching on someone we all-too-readily overlook: the Devil
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The childlike Church
Jesus encouraged us to ‘become like little children’ (Matthew 18:3), but did he really want his Church to be like a playgroup – full of self-centred bickering and snotty noses?
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Proportional Punishment in Hell
Do we gloss over teaching on hell? David Instone-Brewer takes a look at what Jesus has to say on the subject.