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Many years ago, at the age of sixteen, I was riddled with addiction and frustration, living in a world of chaos and abandonment. After living in this state for a while, all I thought about and craved was if there could ever be hope in this crazy world that I was living in.

I knew that change was needed.

It was in that place of desperation that I cried out for help, and that very same day I happened to wander into a Christian youth group. Immediately I found a love and acceptance that I had never come across before. It was within that new community that I started dreaming that maybe change could be possible, and I was desperate for it to happen.

I believed that for the first time, change was coming.

Then, for the very first time, someone shared the life changing message of Jesus with me and I responded. I came to know Jesus for myself, my frustrations and addictions disappeared in an instant and I knew life would never be the same again.

Did you know that 76% of practicing Christians came to faith before the age of 18? However, the vast majority who come to faith are raised in Christian homes. The need to share Jesus with unchurched young people has never been greater. To see the change that the world needs, we must first reprioritise sharing our faith and engaging with young people.

I went straight into youth ministry after I became a Christian, because I knew that change was needed.

At Youth for Christ we recognise that change is needed and see that change is coming. We’ve been praying, strategising, researching, writing and piloting, so that we can stand with you. It will be as if you have gained an extra youth worker, and together we will see young people’s lives changed by Jesus.

Change is needed. Change is coming.

Sign up at and be one of the first to know how we are training, resourcing and equipping even the most stretched of church-based youth ministries.