All Premier Christianity articles in April 2012
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The Search For Meaning
Each month, 550,000 people search for the meaning of life on Google. Our culture offers four main answers to this question, ranging from ‘life is meaningless’ to ‘life is a joke’. What does Christianity offer?
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Has Worship Music Lost Its Soul?
So, you’ve been standing in the pews for about 20 minutes, and the band is showing no sign of letting up. You didn’t know the last two songs, your mind starts wandering, and a dangerous question pops into your head: ‘Could a blindfolded monkey write some of our worship songs?’
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Alain de Botton: Why I am not a Christian
I was brought up by a father who made Richard Dawkins look open-minded on the matter of there perhaps being a supreme being...
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Greater than the Sum of its Parts
Philosopher Alain de Botton’s new book tries to steal the best bits of religion and leave God behind...
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Sex and Marriage: Your Questions Answered
Maggie Ellis answers your questions on sex and relationships...
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Paul's Letters
Some scholars claim that as many as half of Paul’s letters weren’t actually written by him. Are they fakes, or did he just have a secretary?
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Why I Hate The ‘Shhh’ Factor
It was a surprise when my friend Lara sent a text on Sunday morning, asking could she come to the 10.30 service with us. She's been through a really rough time recently and left her church a while ago, so it was great to see her and her two little ...
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It Was Humility and Holiness That Got Him Through
Williams held the Communion, well, in communion.In spring, the sun reflects off the Cam, casting gentle ripples of light onto the ceilings of Magdelene College's river-facing rooms. It is as tranquil and timeless a grove of academe as it is possible to imagine. This time next year, Dr Rowan Williams ...