Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson is teaching pastor at King’s Church London, and has theology degrees from Cambridge (MA), London School of Theology (MTh), and King’s College London (PhD). His latest book is Spirit and Sacrament: An Invitation to Eucharismatic Worship (Zondervan). Andrew is married to Rachel and they have three children: Zeke, Anna and Samuel.
- Magazine Features
Eucharismatic: Why Christians should honour both Spirit and sacrament
Andrew Wilson explains how a fresh understanding of wine in the Bible will make you want to praise God on both the loud cymbals and the loud symbols
- Opinion
Here's why St Paul taught you can (and can't) lose your salvation
Andrew Wilson untangles the New Testament's teaching on perseverance and God's faithfulness
- Archive content
The Evangelical: Jesus saw scripture as unbreakable; so should we
At a time when the authority of the Bible is increasingly questioned, Andrew Wilson says we should follow Jesus’ example when reading the scriptures.
- Archive content
Confessions of a fundamentalist
Are you interested in being right, or finding out the truth? Beware of confusing the two...
- Archive content
How do we hear God?
Most Christians long to hear God speak, but how can we be sure we’ve heard correctly? Was that really God, or just our own imagination? Andrew Wilson tells us how to tune in.